Privacy Policy Insomnia - IL VIDEOCLIP -


Finalmente disponibile il secondo videoclip ufficiale estratto dal nostro secondo album “Locked Exit” !

Music Video: AR Photo&Video (…)
Recorded and mixed by: Lorenzo Checchinato e Diego Insalaco

Special Thanks:
CONTRAROCK – Circolo Culturale Arci (
Simona di Giorgio & Federico Faggioli
Marco’s Guitar Painted by Fabio Vincenzi (…)

Produced by Gianluca Fusi ( –


And then the night comes…
Morpheus’s embrace is slow to arrive…
Thoughts and fears combine in a mix of emotions…
They add tension to your rest…
The sweet sleep turns into a slow crucible of visions and half sentences…
Dream and reality mix together…
And you don’t remember if you’re still the same as yesterday…
You only hope that tomorrow has mercy on you…
You only hear the echo of the silence that surrounds you…
And still the time that hangs… Motionless, makes fun of you…
Until you’re the first to collapse,
You bend in a parallel dimension…
where you are nothing but your fantasies,
seen through the eyes of someone else…

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